Abhimanyu Dassani, an Indian actor works in Hindi film. He made his acting career in 2018 with the action film Mard ko Dard Nahi Hota. And for this film he won Filmfare award for best male Debut. Besides, Shirley Setia is a New Zealand singer and actress. In the Forbes Magazine, she was referred to as ‘Bollywood’s Next Big Singing Sensation’. She was born in Daman but her family moved to New Zealand later. But her desi connect was strong and was later picked up by a music company when one of her YouTube videos was noticed.
Outside the sets of Dance Deewane Junior Abhimanyu and Setia’s gossip and closest friendship has been clearly noticed. And after picking her up Abhimanyu has commented : ‘utha liya’. They both look prettiest in the sets. The light pink dress of Setia brightens her and is making her more gorgeous.
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