Michael Jeffrey Jordan is also known as MJ, former professional basketball player who is  the world richest. He is the greatest basketball player of all time

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The richest athlete in the world Michiel Jordan is now at 59  year old . This is record in  the NBA history as source said. Once his jerrsy was stolen before game

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Jordan has expressed hope that his decision to celebrate his birthday by donating $10 Million Dollar will fulfil the upcoming kids as he is today

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Jordan has $170 Cr USD as his asset currently as he is today. He is consdered as all time champion in the history of Basketball game. His carrier began 34 years ago.

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Jordan was named "Make-A-Wish Chief Wish Ambassador in 2008" for what his NBA organization called the “life-changing impacts made by wishing kids and their families.”

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Michiel Jordan said that I am happy that kids are joining me acrss world "Make-A-Wish" campaign was started in 2008 

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Michiel Jordan said that “I can’t think of a better birthday gift than seeing others join me in supporting "Make-A-Wish" campaign was started in 2008

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Birthday will be the Best moment of Michiel Jordan said that “I can’t think of a better birthday gift than seeing others join me

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