Alabama's Brandon Miller (Alabama A&M) Played with no shooting CHARGE 

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Alabama's Brandon Miller delivered GUN in Jamea Harris shooting:Police. He is accused  of Murder case noe

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Even, Miller's lawyer claimed that Alabama's Miller was involved Jamea Harris shooting. Look actual the story. 

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Top 7 Most Lovely Parrot Birds  at USA. This  is one of the lovely Parrot. If you like the story we will update in the next story. Leave a comment here 

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Brandon Miller's lawyer claimed that Alabama's Miller delivered GUN in Jamea Harris shooting that was also confirmed by the Police

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Miler is not direct murder, On Tuesday, police testimony revealed Miller brought the gun to the scene after reuesting by Miles.

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On Tuesday, police testimony revealed Miller brought the gun to the scene after reuesting by Miles.

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Miller has not been charged with a crime but nationwide outrage erupted

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Harris was from the Birmingham area and a mother of a 5-year-old son.  She was killed by gunshot on 15 Jan.

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“She was just always excited to be around family and friends and just have a good time,” Heard said. “She was a great person. She was a great mother to her son.” 

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