Put on hats made from halved cherry tomatoes, top with a cottage cheese bubble. The appetizer is ready!
Story by AK, Google Image
Prepare food. Wash vegetables, onions. Let's get started!
Story by AK, Google Image
Cut the buns into two halves nicely. . a thrifty mom diy recipes crafts online deals amazon deals
Story by AK, PixelImage
Collect the McMuffins. Put a plate of cheese, a cutlet, an egg on a half of a bun.
Story by AK, Google Image
Fry the cutlets until tender in a convenient way. For example, an electric grill.
Story by AK, Google Image
Preheat the pan, place the cooking ring and cook the eggs in it. Season with salt, pepper and spices to taste.
Story by AK, Google Image
Cut the ham into 8 slices, trim one edge with a knife for stability of the snack, cut the rest of the ham into cubes.
Story by AK, Google Image
These pictures are part of a set of photos that were taken towards the end of the summer to realize one of my projects that was close to my heart: making a calendar ..
Story by AK, Google Image
These pictures are part of a set of photos that were taken towards the end of the summer to realize one of my projects that was ...
Story by AK, Google Image