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HomeNewsInternationalScottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon longest leadership news

Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon longest leadership news

Nicola Sturgeon is resigning as Scotland First Minister

  1. Former SNP MP Stephen Gethins said Ms Sturgeon had “led with distinction”
  2. SNP MP Stewart McDonald described the first minister as “the finest public servant of the devolution age”.
  3. Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar said the first minister had led Scotland through some of the most “challenging times” in recent history.
  4. He said: “It is right that today we pay tribute to those achievements, particularly during the pandemic. “Regardless of our differences, she is an able politician who has stood at the forefront of Scottish politics for more than 20 years.”
  5. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak thanked Ms Sturgeon “for her long-standing service”.
  6. Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross MSP said: “Whatever our differences, it is right we recognise that political leadership is always demanding and takes its toll on a person and their family.” But he added that Ms Sturgeon had “presided over a decade of division and decay in Scotland”.

Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is a dominant figure for a long time in politics.

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