Tripura University authority in their official website announced New Exam Routine for all affiliated degree colleges under Tripura University examination 2022. Check in details in.the below notice.
On 29th January 2022 Tripura Government Higher Education Department issued a notice that the classes of all degree colleges, universities in Tripura will function from 31st January 2022. The government of Tripura reviewed the Covid19 situation in Tripura and decided to resume the all classes. All students are ust follow covid19 protocol example sanitization, physical distance, wearing mask.
Tripura Police Constable Rally Degrees Now 2022 Check in the notice link
Tripura University Examination 2022: All semesters of Degree Colleges, PG, PG DIPLOMA are postponed now
Is it completely shutdown campus ? According to the Tripura University Examination notice today only the examination has postponed. The TU authority will notify further for Tripura University examination 2022.
Tripura University Examination 2022 Schedule
Tripura University authorities have issued a new notification dated January 24, 2020. Examinations for Degree Colleges and Master’s Degree Diploma in other subjects were scheduled from February 7, but suddenly today, January 24, a notice was issued from the Tripura University Controller stating that the examination was postponed. Due to the given situation, new notice will be given again for the next exam. For the time being, this issue has been clarified through their website.
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